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Reference Books
The Reference Collection is non-circulating, which means the books in this collection cannot be checked out. However, this also ensures that these books are always available for you to use in the library, whenever you need them. The Reference Collection holds Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Almanacs, Directories, and more. You can find the Reference Section on the main floor of the library. You will also find additional reference sources in eBook format by going to Find an eBook.
General Collection
The General Collection contains the main circulating collection of the library. Since this collection is circulating, you can check out any of the books in this collection. This collection is so large that it is contained across many shelves throughout the main floor of the library. Additional books can be found in eBook format by visiting Find an eBook.
Periodicals / Journals
Our Journal Titles (more generally known as Periodicals) can be found by asking at the Circulation Desk on the main level of the library. Journals cannot be checked out, but can be used in the library like Reference materials.
Oversize Books
Oversize books are large volumes that don't fit on our regular shelves. These can be found on the main level of the library. Oversize books can be checked out, so don't hesitate!
Atlas Collection
Our Atlas collection is kept on three large lecterns near the Reference section. You can use the surface of these lecterns to open up and look at the atlases, which tend to be quite large. Atlases are non-circulating, which means you can only use them in the library - you cannot check them out. However, this means they will always be in the library whenever you need them.
Juvenile Collection
The Juvenile Collection is located on the main level of the library, near the Oversize books. This collection contains most of our books for children and young readers. This collection is circulating, which means you can check these out.
Reserve Book Shelf (Course Reserves)
The Reserve Collection contains all of the course reserves. Your professor will ask the librarians to put certain library books (or in some cases, their own books) on reserve for students in their classes to use. These items can be checked out, but usually for a much shorter time than most materials. Usually, the check out period is 2 hours, but can sometimes range up to 7 days. To retrieve an item in the Reserve Collection, ask at the Circulation Desk.
NEW Books (New Book Display)
When the library purchases new books for our collections, they are first kept on the New Book Display, so that visitors are aware of what materials are being added to the library. After 1-3 months, these books are then disseminated into the various library collections. You can usually check out these new books (unless they are going to go into the Reference collection).