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The News: Being an Educated Consumer: News

When it comes to the media, what sources can I trust?

Library Databases

Use the following library databases to find news that is reputable.  Click on the link after this list to go to an alphabetical listing of our databases.

  • EBSCOhost
    • Newspaper Source:  full-text coverage of 40 U.S. and international newspapers; contains selective full-text coverage of 389 regional U.S. newspapers.
  • Infotrac
    • ​New York State Newspapers:  covers newspapers published in the State of New York including the New York Times and New York Post.
    • InfoTrac Newsstand:  provides full text access to national, international as well as state and local newspapers
  • LexisNexis Academic:  provides full-text access to the New York Times (1980 - ) but also provides full-text access to many other national and international newspapers
  • ProQuest:  provides full-text access to the New York Times (1980- ) and the Wall Street Journal (1984- ) plus many other national and international newspapers.

Your news

Watch this 5 minute Ted Talk to better understand news in today's world.

How to Spot Fake News

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions has made the following graphic available detailing eight steps to discover the verifiability of a given news-piece.


Media Bias

Even the media can be biased.  So it is good idea to be critical of everything you read and look at multiple sources to get a broader-based understanding of the issues. Following is a link to an article that discusses how liberal or conservative our major news sources are.

Help Identifying Media Bias

Following are some websites that can help you identify media bias.

Reference Librarian

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Linda Park
(315) 279-5208