You can use the Lightner Discovery search box located on the the Lightner Library Home Page to search for books, ebooks, scholarly articles, news, magazines, and more!
Watch the video below for a tutorial on how to use this search tool.
Ebsco E-books is a large collection of electronic books covering a broad range of academic subjects that are available 24/7. You can read them on your computer or print out small portions of the book. You can also search within each by chapter, index, or keyword.
To access EBSCO E-Books click on the link below and then select Ebsco Ebooks.
Search the library's online catalog, Polaris, to find books, CDs, DVDs, videos, and other materials in Lightner Library about Psychology. When searching the catalog, a basic search will let you search by keyword, author, title, or subject. An advanced search will allow you to search by a combination of these fields.
Is it better to use a keyword search or a subject search? Both work, but it is usually easier to start with a keyword search. Once you find an item in the catalog, you can check the full record to see what subject terms are used. These terms are linked in the record, and all you have to do is click on the link to find other items on the same topic.
Keyword Search
Subject Search
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If you would like to browse the shelves to see what kinds of books the library has, try browsing the following call numbers in both the circulating and the reference collections: